Les intéressantes particularités d’une population isolée de Falconelles à casque dans le nord de l’Australie
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- The Field Guide to the Birds of Australia de F, Pizzey, G, Pizzey
- Birds of Australia (Princeton Field Guides) de de Ken Simpson
- The complete guide to finding the birds of Australia de Sarah Thomas
- Carte du Northern Territory State de Hema Map
- Carte nationale d’Australie de Michelin
- Richard A Noske (2021). A population of the rare Northern shrike-tit that forages and breeds in a seasonally inundated paperbark woodland in Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. Northern Territory Naturalist. Volume : 30. Pages : 36-49. Informit
- CSIRO (2004). Crested Shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus.
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